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Why You Should Schedule Regular Industrial Freezer Repair

Industrial Freezer Repair

Commercial refrigeration equipment goes through a lot of use. And while many businesses replace their walk-in freezers or refrigerators before they reach the 15-year mark, a little regular maintenance can extend that lifespan. Keeping an eye out for certain warning signs will help you avoid the costs of emergency freezer repair or spoiled food. Here are some of the most common red flags:

Commercial freezers protect thousands of dollars worth of food and inventory, so it’s important to keep them working as well as possible to prevent costly breakdowns and spoiled products. Keeping up with routine maintenance and promptly scheduling repairs when issues arise will help to reduce downtime and minimize revenue loss. For more details, check out this website at https://alltemprefrigerationfl.com/.

Freezers that leak water or are flooding should be inspected by an expert immediately to avoid a more serious problem. This can be caused by a number of things, including a frozen drip line, the defrost cycle, and temperature maintenance problems.

The first place to check for a leak is the drain hole or defrost hole. This is located on the back of the freezer and is responsible for taking water out during the defrost cycle. This can get clogged with ice, food particles, and other debris over time, which will cause a leak. You can fix this by removing the valve at the end of the pipe and flushing it with warm water to melt any ice or food debris before replacing it.

Leaks and flooding can also occur if the appliance is not properly air conditioned. It is also important to check the gaskets on the doors. Often, these will develop cracks over time, resulting in moisture seeping into the freezer and causing problems with the refrigerator’s cooling.

If a walk-in freezer room is leaking water, it should be inspected immediately. It can be a sign of a larger problem and can lead to costly repairs and revenue losses. It is also a health and safety issue that should not be ignored as it could result in mould or mildew growth. A professional Sydney freezer repair service will be able to identify the source of the problem and recommend appropriate repairs.

Excessive moisture

Commercial walk-in freezers get a lot of use, so their doors, hinges, cooling unit, and more all take a beating. The best way to avoid these problems is with regular inspections and maintenance. In addition to being less expensive than repairs, it can also extend the life of your equipment and help you catch small problems before they become major issues.

Moisture infiltration into your refrigeration system is a common problem and can be caused by many factors. Often, it’s the result of a broken door or a faulty seal. If you’re experiencing this problem, be sure to replace the door gasket immediately. This simple repair will keep cold air inside and warm air out, making it much more energy efficient.

Another common cause of excessive moisture is a clogged drain. A defrost cycle is necessary for your freezer to maintain its optimal temperature range, but if it doesn’t occur regularly, excess moisture can form, leading to frost and ice build-up. This can lead to costly food and liquor loss.

One of the easiest ways to prevent this is by cleaning your freezer’s coils. This is generally a simple task that only requires removing the grille or other panels, but it’s an important step in maintaining your walk-in freezer.

Another easy way to save on energy costs is by upgrading your freezer to an energy-efficient model. Even though this may cost more upfront, the savings in your energy bills will far outweigh the initial investment. The more efficiently your walk-in freezer runs, the fewer power bills you’ll have to pay over time. Contact a professional to learn more about the energy-efficient models available today.

Consistent frost

If your commercial freezer is producing excessive frost and condensation, it’s likely due to incorrect temperature settings or improper maintenance. This problem can ruin food and liquor, costing your business a significant amount of money in lost inventory. Examine your door gaskets and drain lines for signs of wear and tear; if they’re worn, they’ll allow warm air to enter the freezer, causing the frost and condensation. Also, make sure that the defrost thermostat and heater aren’t frozen over. If they are, the freezer will work continuously to keep cool and may become less efficient over time.

Frost and ice build-up can also damage the food inside your freezer, resulting in freezer burn that can affect both the flavor and texture of the foods stored within. Moreover, the ice and frost can block vents and coils, making it harder for your freezer to reach and maintain its set temperatures.

Incorrect temperature readings can also cause the freezer to thaw items, which then causes moisture to form in areas of the freezer that are closer to the outside. This moisture can also contaminate the remaining food in the freezer and cause other problems with the equipment, such as broken doors.

If the freezer’s thermostat is malfunctioning, it will not respond to changes in temperature, thereby causing the appliance to slack off and overwork itself. A simple test with another thermometer can help you determine whether this is the case. If it is, you should consider contacting a professional to fix the issue. The same goes for a broken start relay, which won’t let the compressor move air through its warming and cooling functions. The result is that your freezer won’t cool properly and will begin to produce odd noises.

Unusual noises

Commercial freezers are not the quietest appliances so it’s normal for them to make some noise when running. But if you hear an unusual noise that persists or is getting louder it could be a sign that something isn’t working as it should.

The most common sound coming from your freezer is a low hum, drone or buzz that’s generated by the compressor as it works to pump coolant through the machine. The defrost timer may also make a humming noise but if this sounds constant and doesn’t go away after a few hours then it’s definitely something to look into.

Another common problem that will cause your freezer to hum is a fan motor failure. This is usually quite a noticeable sound and will get louder over time if left unchecked. A technician will check both fans to ensure they’re not blocked by ice or debris and that the blades can turn freely.

Merchandising units, or display freezers, tend to have the most problems with their fans because of the high volume of merchandise inside them. They can also be prone to vibrations that will cause other parts of the freezer to make a humming noise when they’re operating. If you hear these kinds of noises you can try to feel where the vibration is coming from by touching different areas of the freezer – just be careful as it’s best not to touch any coils that might be hot!

A rattling noise can also indicate that your appliance isn’t levelled to the floor properly or that there are loose handles or doors. Luckily, these problems are relatively easy for a specialist to repair so don’t hesitate to call in one of our technicians!

High energy bills

Commercial freezers consume a lot of energy, especially large ones used by supermarkets. They can expend up to 17,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity every year. This is a large chunk of a business’s overall energy bills.

A well-maintained walk-in freezer or a new industrial freezer installation can greatly cut these costs. The best way to keep these costs down is to routinely inspect the equipment, making sure that it’s working as efficiently as possible.

For example, it is important to regularly check door seals. If these are damaged or loosened over time, this allows cool air to escape, forcing the system to work harder to maintain a low temperature. This results in higher energy consumption rates and a larger commercial freezer repair bill.

In addition, the fan blades must be inspected for signs of dirt or grime. A clean fan motor will consume less energy and operate more effectively. Regular inspections can help prevent clogs and other problems that can lead to increased energy bills.

Lastly, an efficient freezer will have smart defrost systems that automatically work when it’s needed and are much more economical than manual systems. Also, a high-efficiency compressor will require less energy than a conventional unit.

It’s a good idea to have a commercial refrigeration specialist conduct regular inspections of all your equipment to identify issues that need attention. Fortunately, most of these repairs can be completed quickly, so your business can continue operating smoothly. However, if it’s cost-effective to replace your existing walk-in freezer or industrial freezer with a more modern energy star model, this will usually be worth the investment. Energy efficient freezers require less maintenance and repair, run quieter, and last longer than older units.